
RJay's picture


Member for
9 years 6 months


PokémonQueen of the SerpetineFebruary 11, 2017
PokémonTime-Warp Heals All WoundsFebruary 11, 2017
PokémonFrom Cradle to SaveFebruary 11, 2017
PokémonThe Green GuardianFebruary 11, 2017
PokémonReversing the ChargesFebruary 11, 2017
PokémonTactics TheatricsFebruary 11, 2017
PokémonOn Olden PondFebruary 11, 2017
PokémonWeekend WarriorFebruary 11, 2017
PokémonMay's Egg-cellent AdventureFebruary 11, 2017
PokémonWheel of FrontierFebruary 11, 2017
PokémonA Chip Off the Old BrockFebruary 11, 2017
PokémonSweet Baby JamesFebruary 11, 2017
PokémonFear Factor Phony!February 11, 2017
PokémonPasta la VistaFebruary 11, 2017
PokémonA Hurdle for SquirtleFebruary 11, 2017
PokémonThe Saffron ConFebruary 11, 2017
PokémonCaterpie's Big DilemmaFebruary 11, 2017
PokémonHail to the ChefFebruary 11, 2017
PokémonSitting PsyduckFebruary 11, 2017
PokémonOn Cloud ArcanineFebruary 11, 2017



One PieceProtect Baratie! The Great Pirate, Red Foot Zeff!March 29, 2020
One PieceThe Strongest Pirate Fleet! Commodore Don Krieg!March 29, 2020
One PieceUnwelcome Customer! Sanji's Food and Ghin's Debt!March 29, 2020
One PieceFamous Cook! Sanji of the Sea Restaurant!March 29, 2020
One PieceThe Three-Sword Style's Past! Zoro and Kuina's Vow!March 29, 2020
One PieceYou're the Weird Creature! Gaimon and His Strange Friends!March 29, 2020
One PieceAnger Explosion! Kuro vs. Luffy! How It Ends!March 29, 2020
One PieceProtect Kaya! The Usopp Pirates' Great Efforts!March 29, 2020
One PieceBeat Kuro! Usopp the Man's Tearful Resolve!March 29, 2020
My Hero AcademiaPrepping for the School Festival Is the Most Fun PartMarch 17, 2020
PokémonThank You, Alola! The Journey Continues!March 9, 2020
PokémonDreaming of the Sun and Moon!March 1, 2020
PokémonFrom Z to Shining Z!March 1, 2020
One PieceLuffy Back in Action! Miss Kaya's Desperate Resistance!February 26, 2020
One PieceThe Terrifying Duo! Meowban Brothers vs. Zoro!February 26, 2020
One PieceClash With the Black Cat Pirates! The Great Battle on the Slope!February 26, 2020
One PieceExpose the Plot! Pirate Butler, Captain Kuro!February 26, 2020
One PieceThe Weirdest Guy Ever! Jango the Hypnotist!February 26, 2020
One PieceThe Honorable Liar? Captain Usopp!February 26, 2020
One PieceWho Is the Victor? Devil Fruit Power Showdown!February 26, 2020
