
iJay14's picture


Member for
8 years 11 hours


Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale OnlineSquad JamApril 8, 2018
Hellsing UltimateHellsing XApril 5, 2018
Hellsing UltimateHellsing IXApril 5, 2018
Hellsing UltimateHellsing VIIIApril 5, 2018
Hellsing UltimateHellsing VIIApril 5, 2018
Hellsing UltimateHellsing VIApril 5, 2018
Hakyu Hoshin EngiInsectApril 4, 2018
Yu-Gi-Oh!Friendship - From Legend to MythApril 3, 2018
Yu-Gi-Oh!Rival Clash - The Greatest CrisisApril 3, 2018
Yu-Gi-Oh!A New Development - Attack of the Handsome BoyApril 3, 2018
Yu-Gi-Oh!Now! The Time of Decision - The Miracle of FriendshipApril 3, 2018
Yu-Gi-Oh!Capmon King! The Decisive BattleApril 3, 2018
Yu-Gi-Oh!Tearing - Boarderline ShootingApril 3, 2018
Yu-Gi-Oh!Completed!! The Ultimate Game LandApril 3, 2018
Zatch Bell!Demonic soldier Faudo. Light in the middle of despair. Kiyomaro's secret planMarch 31, 2018
Zatch Bell!The Curse's Time Limit. Crush the Seal! Reach, Gash's FeelingsMarch 31, 2018
Zatch Bell!Faudo's Revival Draws Near. Return Device Activated. Rivals Stand in the WayMarch 31, 2018
Zatch Bell!Faudo: Deadly Zone. The Demon That Beats the Heart. Momon's TearsMarch 31, 2018
Zatch Bell!Fighting For Whom? Wonrei and Alishie. Decision of SufferingMarch 31, 2018
Zatch Bell!Cool-Headed Zaruchim. The Truth of the Curse. Stand Up Alishie!March 31, 2018



Classroom of the EliteMan is condemned to be free.May 6, 2018
Classroom of the EliteAbandon all hope, ye who enter here.May 6, 2018
Classroom of the EliteNothing is as dangerous as an ignorant friend; a wise enemy is to be preferredMay 6, 2018
Classroom of the EliteThere are two kinds of lies; one concerns an accomplished fact, the other concerns a future duty.May 6, 2018
Classroom of the EliteHell is other peopleMay 6, 2018
Classroom of the EliteWe should not be upset that others hide the truth from us, when we hide it so often from ourselves.May 6, 2018
Classroom of the EliteMan is an animal that makes bargains: no other animal does this - no dog exchanges bones with another.May 6, 2018
Classroom of the EliteIt takes a great talent and skill to conceal one's talent and skill.May 6, 2018
Classroom of the EliteIt takes a great talent and skill to conceal one's talent and skill.May 6, 2018
Classroom of the EliteWhat is evil? Whatever springs from weakness.May 6, 2018
Bungo Stray DogsIf I May Shed Away My Burden NowMay 5, 2018
Bungo Stray DogsRashoumon, The Tiger, and The Last EmperorMay 5, 2018
Bungo Stray DogsPoe and RampoMay 5, 2018
Bungo Stray DogsDouble BlackMay 5, 2018
Bungo Stray DogsThough the Mind May be WrongMay 5, 2018
Bungo Stray DogsWill of TycoonMay 5, 2018
Bungo Stray DogsThree Companies ConflictMay 5, 2018
Bungo Stray DogsA Room Where We Can Someday See The OceanMay 5, 2018
Bungo Stray DogsNowhere to ReturnMay 5, 2018
Bungo Stray DogsThe Dark AgeMay 5, 2018
