
biff45452's picture


Member for
10 years 8 months


TorikoThe Gourmet Reviver and the Legendary Soup's Location!July 17, 2014
TorikoHead-on Fight! Fierce Battle! Toriko vs. Tommyrod!July 17, 2014
TorikoUltimate Desperation! Tommyrod's Full-Power Mode Explodes!July 17, 2014
TorikoWondrous Power! Gourmet Reviver Teppei Joins the Battle!July 17, 2014
TorikoThe Last Drop! Who Will Get the Century Soup?!July 17, 2014
TorikoFarewell, Ice Hell! Granny Setsu's Hidden Power!July 17, 2014
TorikoSplendid Healing! Here Comes the Gourmet Reviver, Yosaku!July 17, 2014
TorikoRace to Finish! Will It Be Toriko's Recovery, or Komatsu's Soup?!July 17, 2014
TorikoTo the World of Ultimate Bliss! Taste the Century Soup!July 17, 2014
TorikoHousewarming Party! Everyone Gather at the Sweets House!July 17, 2014
TorikoThe Gourmet King Championship! Search for the Ultimate Sweets!July 17, 2014
TorikoBonding Dish! Partners Are Forever!July 17, 2014
TorikoWhite Hot! Toriko vs. the IGO President!July 17, 2014
TorikoVegetable Garden in the Heavens! Vegetable Sky!July 17, 2014
TorikoDiscovery! The King of Vegetables, Ozone Grass!July 17, 2014
TorikoConfession in the Heavens! The Formation of the Invincible Duo!July 17, 2014
TorikoShocking Encounter! A Mysterious Life Form Appears!July 17, 2014
TorikoToriko Rushes in! The Truth of the Gourmet World!July 17, 2014
TorikoEnter the Astounding Ringer! The True Meaning of a Partner!July 17, 2014
TorikoToriko and Luffy Meet Again! Find the Seafood Fruit!July 17, 2014



One PieceSanji's Shock! Mysterious Old Man and His Super Yummy Cooking!July 17, 2014
One PieceZ's Ambition! Lily the Little Giant!July 17, 2014
One PieceA Town That Welcomes Pirates? Setting Foot on Whisky Peak!July 17, 2014
One Piece Everyone Finally Has a Bounty! A Pirate Group Worth Over 600 Million!July 17, 2014
One PieceZ's Ambition! A Dark and Powerful Army!July 17, 2014
One PieceExplosion! The Three Swords Style! Zoro vs. Baroque Works!July 17, 2014
One PieceThe King of Animals That Overlooks the Sea! The Dream Ship Magnificently Completed!July 17, 2014
One PieceZ's Ambition! A Great and Desperate Escape Plan!July 17, 2014
One PieceAll Out Battle! Luffy vs. Zoro, Mysterious Grand Duel!July 17, 2014
One PieceGoodbye My Dear Underlings! Franky Departs!July 17, 2014
One PieceZ's Ambition! Luffy vs. Shuzo!July 17, 2014
One PieceDeliver Princess Vivi! The Luffy Pirates Set Sail!July 17, 2014
One PieceDeparting the City of Water! Usopp Mans up and Brings Closure to the Duel!July 17, 2014
One PieceArriving! A Burning Island - Punk Hazard!July 17, 2014
One PieceTry Hard, Coby! Coby and Helmeppo’s Struggles in the Marines!July 17, 2014
One PieceWanted Posters Make It Around the World! Celebrations in Their Hometowns as the Ship Moves Forward!July 17, 2014
One PieceA Battle in the Heat! Luffy vs. the Giant Dragon!July 17, 2014
One PieceCoby and Helmeppo's Resolve! Vice-Admiral Garp’s Parental AffectionJuly 17, 2014
One PieceThe Most Heinous Power! Blackbeard’s Darkness Attacks Ace!July 17, 2014
One PieceThe Straw Hats Stunned! Enter: A Samurai's Horrifying Severed Head!July 17, 2014
