
biff45452's picture


Member for
10 years 8 months


One PieceExplosion! Fish-Man Arlong's Fierce Assault From the Sea!July 17, 2014
One PieceEnd of the Fish-Man Empire! Nami's My Friend!July 17, 2014
One PieceSetting Out With a Smile! Farewell, Hometown Cocoyashi Village!July 17, 2014
One PieceBounty! Straw Hat Luffy Becomes Known to the World!July 17, 2014
One PieceChase Straw Hat! Little Buggy's Big Adventure!July 17, 2014
One PieceThe Wait Is Over! The Return of Captain Buggy!July 17, 2014
One PieceThe Town of the Beginning and the End! Landfall at Loguetown!July 17, 2014
One PieceKitetsu III and Yubashiri! Zoro's New Swords and the Woman Sergeant Major!July 17, 2014
One PieceUsopp vs. Daddy the Parent! Showdown at High!July 17, 2014
One PieceFiery Cooking Battle? Sanji vs. the Beautiful Chef!July 17, 2014
One PieceBuggy’s Revenge! The Man Who Smiles on the Execution Platform!July 17, 2014
One PieceThe Legend Has Started! Head for the Grand Line!July 17, 2014
One PiecePrecursor to a New Adventure! Apis, a Mysterious Girl!July 17, 2014
One PieceMiraculous Creature! Apis' Secret and the Legendary Island!July 17, 2014
One PieceEric Attacks! Great Escape From Warship Island!July 17, 2014
One PieceA Solitary Island in the Distant Sea! The Legendary Lost Island!July 17, 2014
One PieceShowdown in the Ruins! Tense Zoro vs. Eric!July 17, 2014
One PieceLuffy, Completely Surrounded! Commodore Nelson's Secret Strategy!July 17, 2014
One PieceThrough the Sky They Soar! The 1000 Year Legend Lives Again!July 17, 2014
One PieceAn Angry Showdown! Cross the Red Line!July 17, 2014



One PieceStraw Hat Team Arrives! Tension Grows at the BattlefieldJuly 17, 2014
One PieceRound 2! Shoot It Into the Groggy Ring!July 17, 2014
One PieceEven If It Means Death! Luffy vs. the Navy, the Battle Starts!July 17, 2014
One PieceA Barrage of Red Cards in Groggy Ring!July 17, 2014
One PieceHard Battles, One After Another! Devil Fruit Users vs. Devil Fruit Users!July 17, 2014
One PieceRound 3! The Round-and-Round Roller Race!July 17, 2014
One PieceKuma's Transformation! Iva's Blow of Anger!July 17, 2014
One PieceA Seriously Heated Race! Into the Final Round!July 17, 2014
One Piece The Great Swordsman Mihawk! Luffy Comes Under the Attack of the Black Sword!July 17, 2014
One PieceScreaming-Hot Bombardment! Pirate Dodgeball!July 17, 2014
One PieceThe Extermination Strategy in Action! The Power of the Pacifistas!July 17, 2014
One PieceShowdown on the Cliff! Red Light, Green Light!July 17, 2014
One PieceAkainu's Plot! Whitebeard Entrapped!July 17, 2014
One PieceThe Captains Square Off! The Final Combat Round!July 17, 2014
One PieceThe Encircling Walls Activated! The Whitebeard Pirates Backed Into a Corner!July 17, 2014
One PieceFull-Blast Slow-Slow Onslaught vs. Invulnerable Luffy!July 17, 2014
One PieceExecution Order Issued! Break Through the Encircling Walls!July 17, 2014
One PieceEpic, Heated Combat! The Fateful Final Conclusion!July 17, 2014
One PieceMoving Into the Final Phase! Whitebeard's Trump Card for Recovery!July 17, 2014
One PieceWas It Lost? Stolen? Who Are You?July 17, 2014
