
biff45452's picture


Member for
10 years 8 months


TorikoThe Legendary BeeJuly 17, 2014
TorikoShowing his True Strength! Komatsu's Food Honor The Actual Food! The Phantasmal Noodles,July 17, 2014
TorikoThe Four Heavenly Kings Gather! The Gourmet World Beasts theJuly 17, 2014
TorikoThe Battle to Determine the Fate of Mankind! The Four Beasts VS The Four Heavenly Kings!July 17, 2014
TorikoToriko, Coco, Sunny, Zebra The Four Heavenly Kings' Storm of Attacks!!July 17, 2014
TorikoToriko's New Crisis The Creeping Four Beast's Main Body!!July 17, 2014
TorikoThe Four Beast's Shockng Union and the Green Rain!!July 17, 2014
TorikoThe Four Heavenly Kings' Worst Dilemma! Komatsu's Determination!July 17, 2014
TorikoSave Mankind With Your Miraculous Food Luck!!July 17, 2014
TorikoExplode! Curiosity for Taste! The Four Heavenly Kings' Combination Technique!!July 17, 2014
TorikoUltimate TechniqueJuly 17, 2014
TorikoThe Forthcoming Festival The WrigglingJuly 17, 2014
TorikoToriko VS Gurume-kai no Kaibutsu "MonpuranJuly 17, 2014
TorikoToriko's New TechniqueJuly 17, 2014
TorikoGreat Imminent Troubles!? Cooking Fest Opens!!July 17, 2014
TorikoKomatsu in Trouble!? Triathlon Cooking!July 17, 2014
TorikoCooking Legend, Meet Tengu Buranchi!!July 17, 2014
TorikoSneaky! Stormy! Buranchi, Pulling Ahead!!July 17, 2014
TorikoLife or Death, Scale Death Cooking!!July 17, 2014
TorikoWho is the Strongest Combo? Entire Island Cooking!!July 17, 2014



One PieceStraw Hat Team Arrives! Tension Grows at the BattlefieldJuly 17, 2014
One PieceRound 2! Shoot It Into the Groggy Ring!July 17, 2014
One PieceEven If It Means Death! Luffy vs. the Navy, the Battle Starts!July 17, 2014
One PieceA Barrage of Red Cards in Groggy Ring!July 17, 2014
One PieceHard Battles, One After Another! Devil Fruit Users vs. Devil Fruit Users!July 17, 2014
One PieceRound 3! The Round-and-Round Roller Race!July 17, 2014
One PieceKuma's Transformation! Iva's Blow of Anger!July 17, 2014
One PieceA Seriously Heated Race! Into the Final Round!July 17, 2014
One Piece The Great Swordsman Mihawk! Luffy Comes Under the Attack of the Black Sword!July 17, 2014
One PieceScreaming-Hot Bombardment! Pirate Dodgeball!July 17, 2014
One PieceThe Extermination Strategy in Action! The Power of the Pacifistas!July 17, 2014
One PieceShowdown on the Cliff! Red Light, Green Light!July 17, 2014
One PieceAkainu's Plot! Whitebeard Entrapped!July 17, 2014
One PieceThe Captains Square Off! The Final Combat Round!July 17, 2014
One PieceThe Encircling Walls Activated! The Whitebeard Pirates Backed Into a Corner!July 17, 2014
One PieceFull-Blast Slow-Slow Onslaught vs. Invulnerable Luffy!July 17, 2014
One PieceExecution Order Issued! Break Through the Encircling Walls!July 17, 2014
One PieceEpic, Heated Combat! The Fateful Final Conclusion!July 17, 2014
One PieceMoving Into the Final Phase! Whitebeard's Trump Card for Recovery!July 17, 2014
One PieceWas It Lost? Stolen? Who Are You?July 17, 2014
