
biff45452's picture


Member for
10 years 8 months


BleachFormation! The Worst TagJuly 17, 2014
BleachRelease the Death Blow!July 17, 2014
BleachOrihime TargetedJuly 17, 2014
BleachBreakthrough! The Shinigami's Encompassing NetJuly 17, 2014
BleachRenji's ConfrontationJuly 17, 2014
BleachThe Resolution to KillJuly 17, 2014
BleachStars and the StrayJuly 17, 2014
BleachMiracle! The Mysterious New HeroJuly 17, 2014
BleachTragedy of DawnJuly 17, 2014
BleachAizen Assassinated! The Darkness Which ApproachesJuly 17, 2014
BleachKenpachi Zaraki Approaches!July 17, 2014
BleachMotive of the FistJuly 17, 2014
BleachDesperation! The Broken ZangetsuJuly 17, 2014
BleachThe Immortal ManJuly 17, 2014
BleachThe Shinigami whom Ganju MetJuly 17, 2014
BleachReunion, Ichigo and RukiaJuly 17, 2014
BleachYoruichi, Goddess of Flash, Dances!July 17, 2014
BleachThe Despicable ShinigamiJuly 17, 2014
BleachIshida Ultimate Power!July 17, 2014
BleachOvercome Your Limits!July 17, 2014



Naruto ShippudenInari's Courage Put to the TestJuly 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenNaruto's School of RevengeJuly 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenGaara's BondJuly 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenNaruto: OutbreakJuly 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenDeploy! Team TentenJuly 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenAnimal DistrictJuly 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenAh, the Medicine of YouthJuly 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenGutsy Master and Student: The TrainingJuly 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenRecord of the Gutsy Ninja Master and StudentJuly 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenSasuke's Paw EncyclopediaJuly 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenNaruto and the Old SoldierJuly 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenKakashi Love SongJuly 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenNeji ChroniclesJuly 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenThe Man Who Died TwiceJuly 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenThe Worst Three-Legged RaceJuly 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenTeam 10's TeamworkJuly 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenDrive Towards DarknessJuly 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenThe Sixth Hokage DanzoJuly 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenFive Kage Summit's EveJuly 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenEnter the Five Kage!July 15, 2014
