
biff45452's picture


Member for
10 years 8 months


Naruto ShippudenTeam 7, Assemble!August 22, 2014
Naruto ShippudenSomething to Fill the HoleAugust 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenHoleAugust 15, 2014
One PieceBeautiful Sword! Cavendish of the White Horse!August 8, 2014
Dragon BallThe End, The BeginningAugust 5, 2014
Dragon BallMystery of the Dark WorldAugust 5, 2014
Dragon BallOutrageous OctagonAugust 5, 2014
Dragon BallThe Fire-EaterAugust 5, 2014
Dragon BallDress in FlamesAugust 5, 2014
Dragon BallThe VictorAugust 5, 2014
Dragon BallGoku Hangs OnAugust 5, 2014
Dragon BallGoku's TrapAugust 5, 2014
Dragon BallJunior No MoreAugust 5, 2014
Dragon BallSuper KamehamehaAugust 5, 2014
Dragon BallBattle for the FutureAugust 5, 2014
Dragon BallKami vs. PiccoloAugust 5, 2014
Dragon BallThe Four Faces of TienAugust 5, 2014
Dragon BallGoku Gains SpeedAugust 5, 2014
Dragon BallRematchAugust 5, 2014
Dragon BallThe Mysterious HeroAugust 5, 2014



Hunter × Hunter (2011)Awakening × And × PotentialAugust 25, 2014
Hunter × Hunter (2011)Nen × And × NenAugust 25, 2014
Hunter × Hunter (2011)Arrival × At × The ArenaAugust 25, 2014
Hunter × Hunter (2011)Then × And × AfterAugust 25, 2014
Hunter × Hunter (2011)Can't See × If × You're BlindAugust 25, 2014
Hunter × Hunter (2011)The × Zoldyck × FamilyAugust 25, 2014
Hunter × Hunter (2011)The × Guard's × DutyAugust 25, 2014
Hunter × Hunter (2011)A × Dangerous × WatchdogAugust 25, 2014
Hunter × Hunter (2011)Some × Brother × TroubleAugust 25, 2014
Hunter × Hunter (2011)Baffling × Turn Of × EventsAugust 25, 2014
Hunter × Hunter (2011)Can't Win × And × Can't LoseAugust 25, 2014
Hunter × Hunter (2011)Big × Time × InterviewAugust 25, 2014
Hunter × Hunter (2011)Trap × In The × HoleAugust 25, 2014
Hunter × Hunter (2011)Defeat × And × DisgraceAugust 25, 2014
Hunter × Hunter (2011)Explosion × Of × DeceptionAugust 25, 2014
Hunter × Hunter (2011)Hit × The × TargetAugust 25, 2014
Hunter × Hunter (2011)Letter × From × GonAugust 25, 2014
Hunter × Hunter (2011)Last × Test Of × Resolve!August 25, 2014
Hunter × Hunter (2011)Trouble × With The × GambleAugust 25, 2014
Hunter × Hunter (2011)August 25, 2014
