
biff45452's picture


Member for
10 years 8 months


Naruto ShippudenPower: Episode 5July 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenPower: Episode FinalJuly 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenNaruto Enters the BattleJuly 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenA Father's Hope, a Mother's LoveJuly 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenContact! Naruto vs. ItachiJuly 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenThe Acknowledged OneJuly 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenThe Mizukage, the Giant Clam, and the MirageJuly 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenParadoxJuly 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenTerror! the Steam ImpJuly 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenGhosts from the PastJuly 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenThe Underworld Transfer JutsuJuly 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenThe VengefulJuly 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenThe Heart's EyeJuly 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenFade Into the MoonlightJuly 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenCrescent Moon NightJuly 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenThe A-Rank Mission: Food Fight!July 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenThe Fallen CastleJuly 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenPrologue of Road to NinjaJuly 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenThe Old Master and the Dragon's EyeJuly 15, 2014
Naruto ShippudenRain Followed by Snow, with Some LightningJuly 15, 2014



BleachIchigo, Complete Hollowification!?July 17, 2014
BleachCollision! Black Bankai and the White BankaiJuly 17, 2014
BleachUrgent Report! Aizen's Terrifying Plan!July 17, 2014
BleachUryū vs. Ryūken! Clash of the Parent-Child QuincysJuly 17, 2014
BleachUrahara's Decision, Orihime's ThoughtsJuly 17, 2014
BleachThe Nightmare Arrancar! Team Hitsugaya moves outJuly 17, 2014
BleachThe Swooping Descent of the Dark Emissary! The Propagation of MaliceJuly 17, 2014
BleachThe Invisible Enemy! Hitsugaya's Merciless DecisionJuly 17, 2014
BleachRangiku's Tears, the Sorrowful Parting of Brother and SisterJuly 17, 2014
BleachHitsugaya, Karin, and Soccer BallJuly 17, 2014
BleachIkkaku: The Hot-Blooded Kendo TaleJuly 17, 2014
BleachThe Beautiful Patissier, Yumichika!July 17, 2014
BleachKon is Deceived! Rangiku on the Lookout...July 17, 2014
BleachCivil War in Hueco Mundo! Ulquiorra's DeathJuly 17, 2014
BleachThe Malicious Battle, Aizen's TrapJuly 17, 2014
BleachHueco Mundo moves again! Hitsugaya vs. YammyJuly 17, 2014
BleachIchigo vs. Grimmjow, the 11-second battle!July 17, 2014
BleachUlquiorra's Scheme, the Moment when the Sun Sets!July 17, 2014
BleachGoodbye..., Kurosaki!July 17, 2014
BleachStrict Order! The Forbidden Rescue of Orihime InoueJuly 17, 2014
