Tokyo Ghoul Filler List

Updated on July 29, 2020

Tokyo Ghoul was an anime series that ran from 2014 to 2015. In total 24 episodes of Tokyo Ghoul were aired. Tokyo Ghoul has no reported filler.

Tokyo has become a cruel and merciless city—a place where vicious creatures called “ghouls” exist alongside humans. The citizens of this once great metropolis live in constant fear of these bloodthirsty savages and their thirst for human flesh. However, the greatest threat these ghouls pose is their dangerous ability to masquerade as humans and blend in with society.

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Manga Canon Episodes:1-12
Mixed Canon/Filler Episodes:13-24

Tokyo Ghoul Episode List

Hide Episode Titles
1TragedyManga Canon2014-07-04
2IncubationManga Canon2014-07-11
3DoveManga Canon2014-07-18
4SupperManga Canon2014-07-25
5ScarsManga Canon2014-08-01
6CloudburstManga Canon2014-08-08
7CaptivityManga Canon2014-08-15
8CircularManga Canon2014-08-22
9BirdcageManga Canon2014-08-29
10AogiriManga Canon2014-09-05
11High SpiritsManga Canon2014-09-12
12GhoulManga Canon2014-09-19
13New SurgeMixed Canon/Filler2015-01-09
14Dancing FlowersMixed Canon/Filler2015-01-16
15HangmanMixed Canon/Filler2015-01-23
16Deeper LayersMixed Canon/Filler2015-01-30
17RiftMixed Canon/Filler2015-02-06
18Thousand PathsMixed Canon/Filler2015-02-13
19PermeationMixed Canon/Filler2015-02-20
20Old NinesMixed Canon/Filler2015-02-24
21City In WaitingMixed Canon/Filler2015-03-06
22Last RainMixed Canon/Filler2015-03-13
23Deluge of FlowersMixed Canon/Filler2015-03-20
24KenMixed Canon/Filler2015-03-27

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